Oct 6, 2024
If you have too many clothes at home and would like to declutter, now may be the perfect time to consider renting a storage unit. Clothes are some of the most popular items stored in a unit, and investing in one will definitely keep your clothes safe and organised.
However, you need to be careful when storing your clothes, as packing them the wrong way will ruin them. To maintain the quality of your clothes, it’s essential to store them in the best way possible. To help you get started, here’s a packing guide on how to store clothes in a storage unit:
1. Prepare Your Clothes
It’s important to wash your clothes before storing them. Ensure all your clothes are free from dirt or stains before keeping them in the unit. This helps maintain the longevity of the clothes you are storing.
Stains tend to get worse if not cleaned immediately, and dirty clothes will have odours that could potentially affect other clothes in your storage unit. Even clothes that haven’t been worn for a long time should be washed, as they could have picked up months of dust.
Additionally, your clothes must be dried and pressed before storing them. If not, then the remaining moisture could potentially cause a mould and mildew infestation, which could ruin your clothes in the storage unit. The mould and mildew can also cause odours that could affect the entire storage unit, putting all your items in jeopardy.
2. Make an Inventory of Your Clothes
Make a list of all your clothes that will be going into the storage unit. This will help keep things organized and help you remember which clothes you placed in storage. If you prefer, you can add a brief description to help you remember. It really all comes down to how you want to organise your list.
A list will definitely come in handy in the future. While creating an inventory, you can also think about the clothes you want to keep and the clothes you want to get rid of. You can then separate them and list the remaining clothes that will be placed in your unit.
The list can take any form and shape you want. It just really depends on how you want to organize your clothes. We recommend listing them down by type. Categories help keep your list easy to read, so whether you’re storing t-shirts or pants, it will be easier to find the items on your list.
3. Pack Similar Fabrics Together
It may be easy to just put all your clothes together in the same box without regard to their fabric. However, storing different types of clothing in the same boxes increases the chances of ruining them. Separate natural and synthetic fabrics. Natural fabrics need to breathe, while synthetic fabrics don’t. So, make sure to pack similar fabrics together.
To add a layer of protection to your clothes, opt for breathable bags for natural fabrics. Aside from keeping them protected, it also helps keep them organised and easy to sort with different items. For synthetic fabrics, airtight bags and containers can help keep them protected from dust.
Labelling containers will help you sort clusters of clothes based on fabric material or season. It’s a great way to stay organised and protect your clothes. Moreover, it will help you locate a piece of clothing you may need in the future.
4. Use Plastic Bins
The best containers for storing clothes are plastic bins. Clear plastic bins last longer and are waterproof, and they also keep bugs away. You also won’t have to worry about your clothes losing their quality or getting dusty because plastic bins protect them well.
Because plastic bins can be costly, an alternative could be cardboard boxes. However, it’s important to remember that cardboard boxes don’t protect clothes from humidity, and bugs can easily eat through the cardboard and get into your clothes.
Generally, the better option to store clothes is to use plastic bins, especially when storing clothing long-term. But if you’re storing clothing short-term, using cardboard boxes is fine. Just make sure these clothes are clean before packing them.
5. Do Not Overpack Containers
Let your clothes breathe. It may be tempting to see how many clothes you can fit into one bin or box, but remember that overpacking is one reason clothes get ruined in a storage unit. You also wouldn’t want your clothes to get wrinkles and creases. It’s best not to overpack and waste your hard work. Instead, leave adequate space in each bin or box so your clothes can breathe.
6. Use Wardrobe Boxes for Hanging Clothes
If you’re wondering how to store clothes like formal dresses, blazers, suits, gowns, fur coats, long jackets, and easily wrinkled clothing, consider using wardrobe boxes. These are huge, heavy-duty boxes with a built-in bar that allows you to hang your clothes so they won’t get crushed or wrinkled.
Like bins and cardboard boxes, wardrobe boxes should not be overpacked. Even though wardrobe boxes are strong, it is recommended not to put in too many clothes to avoid wrinkling and damage.
7. Do Not Vacuum Pack Your Clothes
Vacuum bags may be a great way to save space, but unfortunately, it can ruin your clothes. Some fabrics, like natural ones, need space to breathe. Compressing them puts pressure on these delicate fibres, which can ultimately weaken and destroy them. Prolonged pressure will alter the shape and texture of garments.
In addition to destroying natural fabrics, vacuum bags can lead to mould infestations due to their lack of ventilation. That said, it’s super important to avoid using vacuum bags to protect the quality and texture of clothes.
8. Use Cedar Chips for Bugs
Using cedar chips is a safe solution for keeping bugs, insects, and pests away from your stored clothes. They have a pleasant smell and are super effective in absorbing moisture and keeping bugs, insects, and pests away.
Mothballs, on the other hand, can be harmful to both your health and your clothes. They contain toxic elements and have a strong smell that can stick to your clothes, walls, and other pieces of furniture.
The best way to pack clothes in storage units is to put cedar chips in a small plastic bag to prevent them from causing stains. Place the bags of cedar chips in key areas of your storage unit and leave them slightly open. Also, look into pest-controlled storage units for lease.
9. Use Shelves and Racks
To help you keep things organised, you can use shelves and racks. This setup makes accessing your clothes easier, as you won’t need to lift multiple boxes or bins to find what you need. After all, you wouldn’t want your storage unit to be a mess, right?
Shelves and racks are super useful, especially when you plan to store clothes efficiently and reliably. They’ll not only help you keep everything organised but also keep your stored clothes off the floor. This will reduce their exposure to the dust, moisture, and pests that might damage your clothes.
10. Choose a Climate-Controlled Storage Unit
When picking a storage unit for clothes, it’s best to choose a climate-controlled unit. These units are kept at steady temperatures and humidity levels, making them a good option. Climate-controlled storage units are also tightly sealed and have good air circulation, which means they help reduce exposure to dust and lower the risk of mildew and mould. If you go for climate-controlled storage, your clothes will be kept in good condition.

While storing clothes can be challenging, it can be a great and fulfilling experience once you get the hang of it. Keeping your clothes organised in a safe and accessible space gives you an easier time finding what you need while making sure they retain top-notch quality. Need help storing your precious clothes? Contact us today, and we’ll help you find the storage unit you need!