Jan 21, 2023
Properly preparing your items for self-storage is crucial for both short-term and long-term storage preparation, however, takes more time and energy. That is if you don’t want your goods to expire.
Here are some crucial pointers to assist you in getting ready for long-term storage.
Ask yourself how much stuff you need to store.
Prioritize your needs while choosing what to do with your belongings while you’re away. Do you require compact storage space to keep your outdoor gear unattended while you are traveling? Would you rather store all of your possessions to avoid paying rent on an apartment? Storage units in Dubai exist in a variety of sizes to suit your needs, but the one you choose must make sense. To make sure you rent enough room for everything to fit comfortably in the unit, use our size estimator.
Make sure products for long-term storage are securely packed.
Your goods will be safer while you’re away if they are packed and stored properly. It may seem like a piece of straightforward advice to take the time to pack wisely, but this point cannot be stressed enough. Make sure boxes are stacked properly and breakables are securely packed. When possible, keep boxes and furniture off the ground. Even temporarily improperly storing your belongings might cause stress and unnecessary damage.
When necessary, use a climate-controlled storage space.
Furniture made of wood or other climate-sensitive items should be kept in a climate-controlled space. These do cost a little bit more, but the extra money may be worth it to have the assurance that your possessions won’t be exposed to high temperatures while you’re away. It is recommended to store your belongings in a climate-controlled unit if you plan to be away for longer than one season. Storing an entire household’s worth of belongings through extreme temperature changes and weather has its own set of risks to consider.
Appoint someone to check in on your belongings now and then.
Have a plan in place for someone to check in on your storage space as needed. Long-term storage typically denotes that you won’t be coming to your storage unit for a while. Having a local individual who can go get something from your storage unit and mail it to you is convenient if you ever need something from it. If you decide you need something while you’re gone, this person could ship it to you from your storage facility. Additionally, he or she would be able to act rapidly if a crisis arose that required immediate attention.
Need a long-term storage facility?
At Extra Space, we provide storage facilities in Dubai and outdoor vehicle storage for both short and long-term storage. A range of storage unit sizes is available at our Dubai storage facility. Call our helpful staff if you’re seeking self-storage close to you, or you can also send an online inquiry!